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This is a toolbox for behavioural data. It processes raw downloads from gorilla, preps behavioural datas for analysis and extracts and scores information from questionnaires. Performs basic plotting of RDIs (pirate plots), and correlations from raw data and ANOVAs and mixed models.

Here’s how to get the latest version of the toolbox


Importing data from gorilla

There are several functions all beginning with data_ that read in multiple data files and merge them into an R object. The most commonly used is data_collator_gorilla(). You pass it the name of a folder that contains downloads from gorilla. These downloads can be .zip files or unzipped folders that themselves contain gorilla .csv files. For example:

To run the function, tell it the name of the folder that contains the downloaded items, or leave it blank and your OS will ask you to choose the folder.

## Loading required package: ggplot2
## Loading required package: data.table
data <- data_collator_gorilla("gorilla_data")

Remember to give this function a folder that contains other folders that have the raw data in them. So now you have a list called data that contains several data.tables.

data$data_task contains all of the data from you gorilla tasks, the blue blobs in your experiment. This is the raw data from gorilla all collated together, with a few other columns added. For example, pid is the participant identity (anonymized). rt is the reaction time column.

knitr::kable( head(data$data_task),)
pid lid filename Event.Index UTC.Timestamp UTC.Date.and.Time Local.Timestamp Local.Timezone Local.Date.and.Time Experiment.ID Experiment.Version Tree.Node.Key Repeat.Key Schedule.ID Participant.Public.ID Participant.Private.ID Participant.Starting.Group Participant.Status Participant.Completion.Code Participant.External.Session.ID Participant.Device.Type Participant.Device Participant.OS Participant.Browser Participant.Monitor.Size Participant.Viewport.Size Checkpoint Room.ID Room.Order Task.Name Task.Version Spreadsheet Trial.Number Screen.Number Screen.Name Zone.Name Zone.Type Reaction.Time Response Attempt Correct Incorrect Dishonest X.Coordinate Y.Coordinate Timed.Out Spreadsheet.Name randomise_blocks display randomise_trials ImageLeft ImageRight ImageCentre TextLeft TextRight TextCentre Answer OrLeft OrRight TextLeft1 TextRight1 TextRight2 TextLeft2 X metadata metadata.1 rt UTC.Date Local.Date randomiser.g1a6 randomiser.62yd
2874231 0dxt32ut data_exp_39476-v1_task-3fjs.csv 1 1.611753e+12 27/01/2021 13:06:09 1.611753e+12 0 27/01/2021 13:06:09 39476 1 task-3fjs NA 9432363 0dxt32ut 2874231 NA complete NA NA computer Desktop or Laptop Mac OS 11.1.0 Chrome 88.0.4324.96 1440x900 1434x638 NA NA NA IAT_sex_topics 3 Spreadsheet1 BEGIN TASK NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0 1 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
2874231 0dxt32ut data_exp_39476-v1_task-3fjs.csv 2 1.611753e+12 27/01/2021 13:06:18 1.611753e+12 0 27/01/2021 13:06:18 39476 1 task-3fjs NA 9432363 0dxt32ut 2874231 NA complete NA NA computer Desktop or Laptop Mac OS 11.1.0 Chrome 88.0.4324.96 1440x900 1434x638 NA NA NA IAT_sex_topics 3 Spreadsheet1 1 1 Screen 1 button continue_button 8867.000 NA NA 0 1 0 NA NA NA Spreadsheet1 NA task description NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 NA NA 8867.000 NA NA NA NA
2874231 0dxt32ut data_exp_39476-v1_task-3fjs.csv 3 1.611753e+12 27/01/2021 13:06:34 1.611753e+12 0 27/01/2021 13:06:34 39476 1 task-3fjs NA 9432363 0dxt32ut 2874231 NA complete NA NA computer Desktop or Laptop Mac OS 11.1.0 Chrome 88.0.4324.96 1440x900 1434x638 NA NA NA IAT_sex_topics 3 Spreadsheet1 1 1 Screen 1 button continue_keyboard 16378.165 NA NA 0 1 0 NA NA NA Spreadsheet1 NA instructions NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2 NA NA 16378.165 NA NA NA NA
2874231 0dxt32ut data_exp_39476-v1_task-3fjs.csv 4 1.611753e+12 27/01/2021 13:06:42 1.611753e+12 0 27/01/2021 13:06:42 39476 1 task-3fjs NA 9432363 0dxt32ut 2874231 NA complete NA NA computer Desktop or Laptop Mac OS 11.1.0 Chrome 88.0.4324.96 1440x900 1434x638 NA NA NA IAT_sex_topics 3 Spreadsheet1 1 1 Screen 1 Zone9 continue_keyboard 7291.585 NA NA 0 1 0 NA NA NA Spreadsheet1 NA prepare1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA female male NA NA 3 practice_words practice_words 7291.585 NA NA NA NA
2874231 0dxt32ut data_exp_39476-v1_task-3fjs.csv 5 1.611753e+12 27/01/2021 13:06:43 1.611753e+12 0 27/01/2021 13:06:43 39476 1 task-3fjs NA 9432363 0dxt32ut 2874231 NA complete NA NA computer Desktop or Laptop Mac OS 11.1.0 Chrome 88.0.4324.96 1440x900 1434x638 NA NA NA IAT_sex_topics 3 Spreadsheet1 1 1 Screen 1 Zone9 response_keyboard 1059.960 right 1 1 0 0 NA NA NA Spreadsheet1 NA trials 1 NA NA NA NA NA Jeffrey right NA NA female male NA NA 14 practice_words practice_words 1059.960 NA NA NA NA
2874231 0dxt32ut data_exp_39476-v1_task-3fjs.csv 6 1.611753e+12 27/01/2021 13:06:44 1.611753e+12 0 27/01/2021 13:06:43 39476 1 task-3fjs NA 9432363 0dxt32ut 2874231 NA complete NA NA computer Desktop or Laptop Mac OS 11.1.0 Chrome 88.0.4324.96 1440x900 1434x638 NA NA NA IAT_sex_topics 3 Spreadsheet1 1 2 Screen 2 fixation fixation 699.972 NA NA 0 1 0 NA NA NA Spreadsheet1 NA trials 1 NA NA NA NA NA Jeffrey right NA NA female male NA NA 14 practice_words practice_words 699.972 NA NA NA NA

There is another data.table called data$data_q which has all the info from your experiment questionnaires. we will deal with that in the questionnaire data section below. Note that you can download questionnaire data from gorilla website in wide (one row per person) or long format. Whichever you choose, this function will compile your data from different questionnaires, adding more columns for the wide format, and more rows for the long. The type is also returned in data_qtype. Wide format might be more useful if you are going to immediately analyse the data yourself, especially if using excel or SPSS. If you are going to do more processing using eyethinkdata or other r functions, then choose long format and look at the setions below.

Finally, if you used the mouse or eye tracking plugins, that data will be in data$data_continuous

Task data - extracting stimuli, conditions and behaviour

We’re going to extract, plot and analyse data from an example IAT experiment. Your first step in analysing your data will be to pick out the rows and columns you want for your experiment. These will contain information about the trial conditions and stimuli, and information about the participants’ responses. First we identify the rows that have the key events, then we pick the columns that have the important information. Here’s how I would filter the IAT data

iat_data <-  data$data_task[metadata %in% c("congruent","incongruent") & # row selection
                              Attempt==1 & display=="trials",  # row selection
                             .(pid, trial=Trial.Number, # columns  
                               congruency=metadata,accuracy=Correct,rt,   # columns    
# figure out what block came first for each person
pid trial congruency accuracy rt item firstblock
2874231 25 congruent 1 747.500 English congruent
2874231 26 congruent 1 596.165 Jeffrey congruent
2874231 27 congruent 1 586.750 Emily congruent
2874231 28 congruent 1 934.665 Classics congruent
2874231 29 congruent 1 585.710 Geology congruent
2874231 30 congruent 1 606.330 Paul congruent

Plotting data

Now we can plot the data with the generic plotting function, pirateye(). You name the columns/conditions that you want to plot on the x axis, and as a colour contrast.

pirateye(data=iat_data[accuracy==1 & rt<2000], # trim incorrect trials and outliers
         colour_condition = "congruency",x_condition = "firstblock",dv = "rt")

Since we have a dot per trial, this is a bit crowded. You can first average over people, and also turn elements on and off in pirateye, and set options such as flipping the coordinates

pirateye(data=iat_data[accuracy==1 & rt<2000],
         colour_condition = "congruency",x_condition = "firstblock",dv = "rt",
         pid_average = T,  # average over participants' conditions
         violin = F,bar=T,cflip = T)  # no violins but draw some bars and flip axes

Or we could connect conditions with lines

pirateye(data=iat_data[accuracy==1 & rt<2000],
         colour_condition = "congruency",x_condition = "firstblock",dv = "rt",
         dots=F,line=T,violin=F)  # no dots but draw some bars

Plotting ANOVA and mixed models

We can analyse the data with afex aov_ex package, and then plot the results with plot_model(). This output the ANOVA table and means tables for all main effects and interactions, and shows post hoc results comparing the effects of the first named condition over levels of the second.

anv <- afex::aov_ez(data=iat_data[accuracy==1 & rt<2000],fun_aggregate = mean,
 plot_model(anv,outp = NULL,bars=F) # you can pass pirateye parameters to this function 
## Univariate Type III Repeated-Measures ANOVA Assuming Sphericity
##                         Sum Sq num Df Error SS den Df  F value  Pr(>F)    
## (Intercept)           34517501      1  1727205     26 519.5995 < 2e-16 ***
## firstblock               26906      1  1727205     26   0.4050 0.53007    
## congruency               87704      1   223885     26  10.1851 0.00368 ** 
## firstblock:congruency     8705      1   223885     26   1.0109 0.32396    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Main effects of  congruency 
##  congruency  emmean   SE df lower.CL upper.CL
##  congruent      825 38.0 26      747      903
##  incongruent    913 42.9 26      825     1001
## Results are averaged over the levels of: firstblock 
## Confidence level used: 0.95 
##  contrast                estimate   SE df t.ratio p.value
##  congruent - incongruent    -87.6 27.4 26  -3.191  0.0037
## Results are averaged over the levels of: firstblock
## Main effects of  firstblock 
##  firstblock  emmean   SE df lower.CL upper.CL
##  congruent      893 40.8 26      809      977
##  incongruent    845 64.4 26      712      977
## Results are averaged over the levels of: congruency 
## Confidence level used: 0.95 
##  contrast                estimate   SE df t.ratio p.value
##  congruent - incongruent     48.5 76.2 26   0.636  0.5301
## Results are averaged over the levels of: congruency
## Interactions of  congruency firstblock 
##  congruency  firstblock  emmean   SE df lower.CL upper.CL
##  congruent   congruent      836 40.6 26      752      919
##  incongruent congruent      951 45.9 26      856     1045
##  congruent   incongruent    815 64.2 26      683      947
##  incongruent incongruent    875 72.6 26      726     1024
## Confidence level used: 0.95 
##  contrast                                        estimate   SE df t.ratio
##  congruent congruent - incongruent congruent       -115.2 29.3 26  -3.926
##  congruent congruent - congruent incongruent         20.9 75.9 26   0.276
##  congruent congruent - incongruent incongruent      -39.1 83.1 26  -0.470
##  incongruent congruent - congruent incongruent      136.1 78.9 26   1.726
##  incongruent congruent - incongruent incongruent     76.1 85.8 26   0.887
##  congruent incongruent - incongruent incongruent    -60.0 46.4 26  -1.293
##  p.value
##   0.0030
##   0.9925
##   0.9650
##   0.3312
##   0.8117
##   0.5753
## P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 4 estimates
## $model_summary
## Univariate Type III Repeated-Measures ANOVA Assuming Sphericity
##                         Sum Sq num Df Error SS den Df  F value  Pr(>F)    
## (Intercept)           34517501      1  1727205     26 519.5995 < 2e-16 ***
## firstblock               26906      1  1727205     26   0.4050 0.53007    
## congruency               87704      1   223885     26  10.1851 0.00368 ** 
## firstblock:congruency     8705      1   223885     26   1.0109 0.32396    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## $means_congruency
##  congruency  emmean   SE df lower.CL upper.CL
##  congruent      825 38.0 26      747      903
##  incongruent    913 42.9 26      825     1001
## Results are averaged over the levels of: firstblock 
## Confidence level used: 0.95 
## $plot_congruency

## $means_firstblock
##  firstblock  emmean   SE df lower.CL upper.CL
##  congruent      893 40.8 26      809      977
##  incongruent    845 64.4 26      712      977
## Results are averaged over the levels of: congruency 
## Confidence level used: 0.95 
## $plot_firstblock

## $means_congruency_firstblock
##  congruency  firstblock  emmean   SE df lower.CL upper.CL
##  congruent   congruent      836 40.6 26      752      919
##  incongruent congruent      951 45.9 26      856     1045
##  congruent   incongruent    815 64.2 26      683      947
##  incongruent incongruent    875 72.6 26      726     1024
## Confidence level used: 0.95 
## $plot_congruency_firstblock

Finally, for the IAT there is a function `gorilla_iatanalysis()` that will do all the processing and analysis of task data we’ve done above in one step.


Questionnaire data

There are various functions for processing questionnaire data that all begin gorill_q. Some are specialised for particular surveys, such as the TIPI personality test or the BMIS mood scale. Others help code fiddly things like rank scores or checkboxes.

The basic gorilla_q function just parses the answers to all questions in a survey and outputs them one row per participant. Gorilla gives you the text answers in a quanitzed form too. If we don’t need that we can strip them out with strip=“quant” (or conversely “qual”). If you leave qlist blank, it will run this through all the task.names in your gorilla data_q, or you can specifc one questionnaire only.

gorilla_q_parse(data,qlist = "basic demographics",strip="quant" )
##          pid    Sex   age
##       <fctr> <char> <num>
##  1:  3735601   Male    58
##  2:  2874231   Male    51
##  3:  2878349   Male    53
##  4:  2887782 Female    24
##  5:  2902933 Female    45
##  6:  2906179 Female    22
##  7:  2912330 Female    37
##  8:  2921282   Male    41
##  9:  2921652   Male    38
## 10:  3730237 Female    57
## 11:  3731661 Female    38
## 12:  3734675 Female    51
## 13:  3734775 Female    42
## 14:  5891983 Female    41
## 15: 10068596 Female    23
## 16: 10106060 Female    44
## 17: 10110660 Female    35
## 18: 10107554   Male    29

A more powerful function lets you use a key to score a survey, which is useful if you have lots of reversed scored items, or subscales to calculate. We have one, with the gorilla questionnaire name “Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983)”, so we can name that in qlist. This will generate a blank survey key and save it in the working directory in a folder called ‘survey_key’. This is what it looks like.

gorilla_q_keyed(data,qlist= "Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983)",keyout = T)
## There is no key for: Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983) 
## ... so I put a key for Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983) in working directory for you to edit
##                                         Task.Name order Question.Key   sum
##                                            <char> <int>       <char> <num>
##  1: Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983)     1         EC_1     1
##  2: Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983)     2         PT_1     1
##  3: Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983)     3         EC_2     1
##  4: Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983)     4         PT_2     1
##  5: Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983)     5         EC_3     1
##  6: Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983)     6         PT_3     1
##  7: Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983)     7         EC_4     1
##  8: Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983)     8         PT_4     1
##  9: Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983)     9         EC_5     1
## 10: Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983)    10         EC_6     1
## 11: Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983)    11         PT_5     1
## 12: Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983)    12         EC_7     1
## 13: Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983)    13         PT_6     1
## 14: Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983)    14         PT_7     1
##       rev scaleName Subscore  qual ignore
##     <num>    <char>   <char> <num> <lgcl>
##  1:     8      IRID              0     NA
##  2:     8      IRID              0     NA
##  3:     8      IRID              0     NA
##  4:     8      IRID              0     NA
##  5:     8      IRID              0     NA
##  6:     8      IRID              0     NA
##  7:     8      IRID              0     NA
##  8:     8      IRID              0     NA
##  9:     8      IRID              0     NA
## 10:     8      IRID              0     NA
## 11:     8      IRID              0     NA
## 12:     8      IRID              0     NA
## 13:     8      IRID              0     NA
## 14:     8      IRID              0     NA

You can then edit it in excel or any text editor, and save it as .csv file.There is a row for every different survey item in the gorilla questionnaire, and each row is identified by Question.Key - what you wrote in the ‘key’ box when making the survey in gorilla. The order tells you how they appeared in gorilla (NA if they were randomised). You can change the numbers in the columns sum, ScaleNam, Subscore and qual, to score/summarize your survey.

Here’s what the columns mean: sum - how this item contributes to scoring: set to 1 to add up, -1 for reverse score. If you enter 0 then the answer won’t be used to compute score, but instead this answer will be reported by itself in its own column rev - if it is to be reversed scored, then subtract the answer from this number. eg assuming a 7 point scale, I’ve set this to 8 as default. ScaleName - you will end up with one row per person and a variable with this name (eg IQ) summarizing all items. You can have one or many different scales in the same questionnaire and key Subscore - you can break the scales down further into subscales. Name it here and it will also appear on output as a scored column (eg IQ_verbal) qual - If this item is a non numeric or qualitative response (eg a text box) then put a 1 here. It won’t be summarized but till also be reported in output in a column. If this is ignore - If the response matches this answer, then don’t use it in the scale calculation. This is used, eg for scales where 1-7 is the answer, but people can also enter 8 for ‘not applicable’.

Here’s a filled out version for our Interpersonal Reactivity Scale key

read.csv("survey_key complete/Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983).csv")
##                                        Task.Name Question.Key sum rev scaleName
## 1  Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983)         EC_1   1   6      ECPT
## 2  Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983)         PT_1  -1   6      ECPT
## 3  Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983)         EC_2  -1   6      ECPT
## 4  Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983)         PT_2   1   6      ECPT
## 5  Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983)         EC_3   1   6      ECPT
## 6  Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983)         PT_3   1   6      ECPT
## 7  Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983)         EC_4  -1   6      ECPT
## 8  Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983)         PT_4  -1   6      ECPT
## 9  Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983)         EC_5  -1   6      ECPT
## 10 Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983)         EC_6   1   6      ECPT
## 11 Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983)         PT_5   1   6      ECPT
## 12 Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983)         EC_7   1   6      ECPT
## 13 Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983)         PT_6   1   6      ECPT
## 14 Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983)         PT_7   1   6      ECPT
##    Subscore qual
## 1        EC    0
## 2        PT    0
## 3        EC    0
## 4        PT    0
## 5        EC    0
## 6        PT    0
## 7        EC    0
## 8        PT    0
## 9        EC    0
## 10       EC    0
## 11       PT    0
## 12       EC    0
## 13       PT    0
## 14       PT    0

Now you can parse and score the questionnaire using the same function.

gorilla_q_keyed(data,qlist= "Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davies, 1983)",key_folder = "survey_key complete")
## Key: <pid>
##          pid  ECPT ECPT_EC ECPT_PT
##       <fctr> <num>   <num>   <num>
##   1: 4193722    40      20      20
##   2: 4193708    51      23      28
##   3: 4193719    47      21      26
##   4: 4217240    43      16      27
##   5: 4228549    69      34      35
##  ---                              
## 126: 4263634    52      29      23
## 127: 4263630    57      32      25
## 128: 4249143    65      34      31
## 129: 4249146    47      24      23
## 130: 4228894    57      28      29

You will get an output that has one row per person, and one column that scores all the answers, and additionally other columns for subscales or text answers.

Combining participant and trial data

There is a handy function called `pid_merge()` which combines two (or more) data sets, linking them by the value in pid (by default). You can use this to add trial data to participant data, or vice versa by passing two data sets to the function. Below I’ve parsed the demongraphic data from the IAT, and added to it mean reaction times per condition for each participant.

pid_merge(  gorilla_q_parse(data,qlist = "basic demographics",strip = "quant" ),
            dcast(iat_data[accuracy==1],pid~congruency,value.var = "rt",fun.aggregate = mean))
##          pid    Sex   age congruent incongruent
##       <fctr> <char> <num>     <num>       <num>
##  1:  3735601   Male    58 1640.5217   1203.3750
##  2:  2874231   Male    51  643.6639    853.4889
##  3:  2878349   Male    53 1267.3662   1481.7693
##  4:  2887782 Female    24  875.6463   1064.9352
##  5:  2902933 Female    45  847.1602   1491.3670
##  6:  2906179 Female    22  765.9102    727.8968
##  7:  2912330 Female    37  649.1347    544.1992
##  8:  2921282   Male    41 2045.7631   1566.1163
##  9:  2921652   Male    38  808.0895    816.2686
## 10:  3730237 Female    57 2135.8733   1529.1154
## 11:  3731661 Female    38  664.1135   1047.7798
## 12:  3734675 Female    51 1139.0517   1379.3367
## 13:  3734775 Female    42 1088.6943   1379.9007
## 14:  5891983 Female    41 1125.5261   1449.6227
## 15: 10068596 Female    23  628.6100    779.1500
## 16: 10106060 Female    44  772.1818    797.4167
## 17: 10110660 Female    35  833.3333   1139.2400
## 18: 10107554   Male    29  781.2292    937.7167

Other functions

Other functions in the package will score some standard questionnaires, explore and plot correlation. If the help info isn;t celar enough, then raise it as an issue on github and I will add them to this vignette.